Created By SARATH. Contact:

Manual Airtel Live Settingz....

Manual Airtel live settings

Account Name – Airtel_live

Homepage –

Username – Blank

Password – Blank

Proxy – Enabled/yes

Proxy and Server Adress –

Accespoint Name –

Proxy and Server Port – 8080

Data bearer – GPRS/ Packet Data

Authentication Type – Normal

Manual GRPS settingz For Airtel

Manual Airtel Gprs Settings

Homepage – any page you want to set.

User Name – Blank

Password – Blank

Proxy – Enabled/yes.

Proxy and Server Adress –

Proxy and Server Port – 8080

Data bearer – GPRS or Packet Data.

Access Point Name –

Authentication Type – Normal

Use preferred access point – No

To enter in the secret menu in Nokia Phone.

To enter in the secret menu in Nokia Phone.

On the main screen type *#92702689# [*#war0anty#]

It will take you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:

1. Displays Serial Number.

2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture

3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)

4. Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000)

5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)

To Check IMEI code in Nokia

On the main screen type *#06#

Information you get from the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)


TAC       FAC          SNR            SP

TAC = Type approval code of your nokia Mobile

FAC = Final assembly code of your cellphone

SNR = Serial number of your nokia Phone

SP = Spare

Changing Start up and Log-off Screen

Startup Screen

1.Create a 320x400 bitmap in the root directory and name it LOGO.SYS

2.You can use LOGOW.SYS file in the Windows directory as a starter

Logoff Screens

1.There are many system file that constitutes Lofoff screen.

2.They are actually bitmaps 320x400 that just have a different extension

3.The hidden file in the root directory LOGO.SYS is the startup logo.

4.There are two files in the Windows directory.

5.LOGOW.SYS is the Wait while Shutting down ... screen.

6.LOGOS.SYS is the You may now shut-off or Reboot screen.

7.Make two new image files of your chice in Paint and name it as LOGOW.SYS and LOGOS.SYS and replce the actual windows file by this two.

8.But make sure they should be of the same size

Lock a Folder In XP

To Lock a folder in windows XP without any software. Follow the steps Below.

1.Make a Folder in C drive rename it as "abc" without quotes.

2.Now open Command Prompt from Start Menu.

3.Type "attrib +s +h C:\abc" without quotes and press enter.

4.This command will Make your folder invisble and it can not be seen even in hidden files and folders

5.To make it visible again type "attrib -s -h C:\abc"

You can lock any other folder also by changing the location C:\abc to address of your folder.

Speed Up Windows or RAM

To speed up your windows or to increase RAM virtually,

Right click on My Computer

>> Properties

>> Advanced

>> Performance - Settings

Reliance Free GPRS


Reliance GSM Hack Trick On Tricks_4_Gprs

When bal hav 0.0

Go 2 Web Browser & Type

McPass merWAPProv

Create a Folder Having no name!!!

Itz a Simple way to Create a Folder which have NO NAME....

>just create new folder

>hold alt key and type


U have done.

How To Lock Your Computer...

How To lock The Computer?

Go to




then password

save it in floppy disk

(only your password can unlocK

How to Create a Simple Trojen!!!

Itz a Simple Way to create a Trojen...

1) right click anywhere on desktop then go to new->shortcut

2) Then when asked for location of shortcut type there

shutdown –s –t 50 –c “Trojan Virus activated”

then click on next

4) Now click on finish

Free Browsing

AIRTELLIVE free browsing.


Bal >30ps

Airtel all Kallz at 50 ps.

All Airtel 2 Airtel kallz
At jst 50 p.s/min.

Appliable for local kallz too

Hav Fun